The Green Steam.
In all the years i have been designing vehicle graphics or any other series of design where the details were to be produced with vinyl, I have never produced a vehicle wrap. I have worked for a few companies where the marketing appeal and obvious visual impact of a giant rolling billboard would be a fantastic way to do two things, pass on information, assuming you are parked at an event or driving along a highway somewhere when you are not able to stop and speak with the people who might be interested in your product being advertised.
I can speak for myself here in that from an early age I wanted to produce "green" design. Not environment friendly products per-say, but just items that do not visually mess up the background yet still catch ones attention in an otherwise dramatically over designed World. Then there is of course, the environmental factor. The designs we produce, and in the era of green designers left and right, oddly do not consider the waste of the design production itself, is, to me, terribly ignorant.
I See environmental companies over designed wrapping jobs on almost everything. Grass, trees, forrest and ferns masking the grey cold steel we used to protect our circuits and electrical devices to power our very own computers to design and said products. The vehicles drive around showcasing "clean" with the hybrid power of such and such a brand, yet the wrap itself (that usually is exchanged with another campaign in just a few months) leaves about 15 yards of un recyclable waxed paper backing that is simply thrown out in the bin, along with all the other acrylic and polyester products our industry uses for these Green programs messages.

I understand we use these products in tandem with many others, and hopefully those are used a bit more to reduce the costs, as there are lot more becoming more and more available based on recycled post consumer products, but simple, cleaner design will always reduce the visual clutter and by production waste of the very same, cluttered designs. I can personally say, I love the easy use and versatility of a lot of synthetic products, but if given the choice for something more simple with less waste AND my target market could actually read my message, I could not see why I would say no!